Amazingly you get age spots at the age of 01-25. It is better to start using
The best topical agents recommended are:
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We treat Melasma with creams but I not showing any results, we use the following therapies.
It is 15min procedure in which IPL(intense pulses of light) are used.
(It will be better to apply aloe care gel & lentigines and birthmarks)
Freckles, unfortunately, are never treated by creams. But luckily show amazing results with Q-Switch laser.
The laser which targets pigment whether it is pigment of
It permanently bleaches your skin.
It also targets thin hair, laser-assisted hair.
It is done for dark lips.
The most hot epic is to treat tattooing.
High intensity of laser beam targets all colors:
Tattooing of
Are targeted.
Total sessions require are 7.