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Nano fat Grafting

During nano-fat grafting, a patient’s fat is extracted, filtered, and emulsified before being injected into parts of the body that have lost volume and poor skin quality. Volume loss, under-eye bags, face creases, and fine lines are all improved cosmetically by this transfer. Since the patient’s tissue is being used in nano-fat grafting, an allergic reaction is unlikely.

Due to the natural origin of the emulsified fat and its content of stem cells and growth factors, the effects endure significantly longer than those of more conventional non-surgical methods.

At IPAL, we use a stem cell-rich solution from the patient’s liquified and filtered fat.

How Does it Work?

Using a local anesthetic, pure fat is extracted from the stomach, hips, or inner thighs and injected under the skin. There is no scarring or significant recovery period associated with the surgery.

For most people, a single therapy is sufficient. The benefits of nanofat are commonly felt between 1 and 3 months following treatment. This method complements other treatments, including laser resurfacing, chemical peels, and PRP (platelet-rich plasma) injections.

Nanofat Treatment is Used For

Areas commonly treated with nanofat for fine lines, discolouration, and scarring are:

  • Lower Eyelids & Tear Trays
  • Neck
  • Face
  • Hands

Nanofat is not meant to restore lost volume like standard fat grafting methods. Elasticity, texture, and tone can all be enhanced by using nanofat, as can vascularization.