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VASER, or Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance, is an advanced body contouring technology that utilizes ultrasound energy to selectively target and break down unwanted fat cells. This sophisticated procedure is designed to provide a precise and minimally invasive solution for sculpting and defining various areas of the body.

VASER has gained popularity as an innovative and effective option for individuals seeking body sculpting and fat removal with minimal invasiveness. Its combination of ultrasound technology and liposuction techniques allows for precise and targeted fat reduction, providing individuals with a sculpted and refined physique.


How Does it Work?

VASER technology utilizes ultrasound energy to selectively target and break down unwanted fat cells while preserving surrounding tissues. The procedure begins with the administration of a tumescent fluid, which helps numb the area and constrict blood vessels for minimal bleeding. A small probe emitting ultrasonic waves is then introduced into the targeted area. These ultrasonic waves emulsify fat cells, turning them into a liquid form. Subsequently, a gentle suction mechanism is employed to remove the emulsified fat, sculpting the desired contours.


Benefits and Expectations

VASER’s ultrasound technology allows for precise targeting of specific fat deposits, providing surgeons with greater control and allowing for a more tailored and natural-looking result. VASER is a minimally invasive procedure, meaning it involves small incisions.  In addition to fat removal, VASER has been shown to promote skin tightening. 

Individuals often notice immediate improvements in body contours following VASER. However, some initial swelling is expected, and final results become more apparent as the swelling subsides. While recovery time is typically shorter than traditional liposuction, there may be some bruising and swelling post-procedure.