By eliminating the top layer and encouraging the development of fresh skin cells, CO2 laser therapy seeks to enhance skin look.
This procedure remodels and contracts skin collagen. A protein found in the body, collagen gives the skin suppleness and a finely ordered fiber network. New, maybe smoother, tighter, more elastic skin forms as the skin heals after laser therapy.
In skin resurfacing treatments, doctors including dermatologists, plastic surgeons, and other medical specialists might use carbon dioxide (CO2) lasers. Because of its accuracy and efficiency in treating: CO2 laser is typically advised over more intrusive operations.
There are many places one may provide this therapy, including the Face, neck, décolletage hands, arms
A fractional laser is used in CO2 laser therapy to provide the deeper layers of the skin with regulated heat output. This process:
Improves skin cell turnover, therefore displaying a more even and smooth complexion.
Depending on the treatment region, the process typically takes thirty to sixty minutes. To reduce pain, numbing cream is administered before the treatment.
Treatment Areas
Multiple body locations may be treated with CO2 lasers including
Face: To lessens uneven skin tone, scars, and wrinkles.
For anti-aging and skin tightening effects, neck and décolletage
Hands & arms: To reduce sunspots and pigment,
Areas prone to acne: To get skin texture and acne scars better
Like a sunburn, some redness and swelling could develop; these symptoms go after a few days.
As the old skin sheds and new skin heals, peeling and skin flaking may result.
Results start showing in a week; as collagen synthesis rises, full results show in three to six months.
Usually, best results are obtained from a sequence of one to three sessions.
Steer clear of the sun, keep hydrated, and use mild skincare products to assist healing in post-treatment care.
Plan your CO2 laser visit for today.