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Hair Treatment

Hair Treatment

Hair Transplantation is a surgical technique that moves hair follicles from one part of the body called donor site to the bald or balding part of the body, known as the recipient site.in this minimum ally, invasive procedure grafts continue hair follicles that are genetically resistant to balding are transplanted to the bald scalp.

Hair transplantation can be used to restore eyelashes, eyebrows beard hair, chest hair, and to full fill scars caused by accidents burns on surgery.

Donor hair can be harvested in two different ways.

  • Strip harvesting (FUT)
  • Follicular unit extraction (FUE)


With follicular unit extraction, individual follicular units containing 1 to 4 hair are removed under local Anesthesia this micro-removal use tiny punches 0.6mm, 0.8mm, 0.9mm& 1.0mm. the surgeon  uses  micro blades to prepare those sites for the graft placement. Placing them in predetermined density, pattern and angling the wounds in a consistent fashion to promote a realistic hair pattern.

FUE can give natural results. The advantage over strip harvesting is that FUE harvesting negates the need for large areas of scalp tissue to be harvested, so there is no linear lesion on the back of the scalp.


FUT is the traditional hair transplant method that involves extracting a linear strip of hair-bearing skin from the backside of the scalp. The strip is there dissected to separate individual grafts.

Hair thinning known as shock loss is a common side effect that is usually temporary. Bald patches are also common as fifty to hundred hair can be lost each day post-operative hiccups have been reported in 5 % of cases.